

WHAT is Visceral manipulation?

Visceral manipulation is a gentle, hands-on therapy that focuses on the internal organs, or viscera, such as the liver, intestines, and kidneys. Practitioners use precise, delicate manual techniques to assess and mobilise these organs and the surrounding connective tissues. During a session, the practitioner applies soft manual pressure to the abdomen, identifying areas of restricted movement and tension. The goal is to encourage the normal mobility, tone, and motion of the viscera and their connective tissues, thereby improving their function and supporting overall health. This approach can help alleviate pain, enhance organ function, and promote the body’s natural healing processes.


Visceral Manipulation treatment begins with an initial Osteopathic consultation. During this initial consultation a full medical history is taken and a physical examination will follow. Subtle testing and palpation (the use of hand to touch) will be used to feel for tension in the patients’ body and these regions being noted for diagnostic and treatment purposes. Some further questioning may be required alongside a discussion of findings. Treatment, where appropriate, should normally commence during the first consultation and then continue during subsequent follow up appointments. How many appointments and what treatment is best appropriate for each individual patient is decided upon by your practitioner and discussed fully with you. A full 24 hours notice is required by all practitioners for any cancellation. Session fees are charged if there is failure to provide this notice.