

WHAT is Acupuncture?

Acupuncture is an ancient therapeutic practice originating from traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) that involves inserting fine needles into specific points on the body to stimulate healing and balance.

The traditional Chinese approach focuses on restoring the flow of qi (energy) along meridians to improve health. In contrast, Western or medical acupuncture, while based on these traditional principles, integrates modern biomedical understanding. Medical acupuncture uses needles to stimulate nerves, muscles, and connective tissues, aiming to relieve pain and improve function by triggering the body's natural painkillers and increasing blood flow. Both modalities are used to treat various conditions, including chronic pain, migraines, and stress, but differ in their underlying theories and techniques.


Western or medical acupuncture treatment is used in combination with Osteopathy and begins with an initial Osteopathic consultation. During this initial consultation a full medical history is taken and a physical examination will follow. Examination should include muscle testing and palpation (use of hand to touch) with a view to locating, if present, trigger points in the affected muscles. Some further questioning may be required alongside a discussion of findings and consent for treatment gained. These muscular trigger points may then be treated with the insertion of sterile, single use, disposable needle(s). It is usual that the affected muscle will produce a twitch response and may be accompanied by a feeling of aching, numbness or even a sharp sensation. Treatment, where appropriate, should normally commence during the first consultation and then continue during subsequent follow up appointments. How many appointments and what treatment is best appropriate for each individual patient is decided upon by your practitioner and discussed fully with you. A full 24 hours notice is required by all practitioners for any cancellation. Session fees are charged if there is failure to provide this notice.