Daniel Rollins

I am a holistic osteopathic practitioner. My patient care philosophy integrates both manual and movement therapeutics and places importance on providing patients with strategies to achieve long-term health benefits. Throughout my career I have further trained in a variety of modalities and believe my strength is using this skill set to problem solve and determine the most probable root cause of pain or dysfunction and to then be able to choose and apply the techniques to best treat the patient.

Applied Functional Science (AFS) is a pioneering method used to assess, train and condition patients for functional activities. By addressing movement strategies in three-dimensional space, AFS effectively transitions towards optimal function.


Medical Acupuncture is used to help treat the pain and sensitivity in muscle tissues caused by trigger points. It is the gentle application and insertion of acupuncture needles to particular sites of dysfunction.

Visceral Osteopathy utilises gentle manipulation of internal organs within the body such as the stomach and intestines. It promotes organ mobility and aids the release of restrictions that can cause compensation, pain and dysfunction.

DNS is a technique based upon neurodevelopmental and rehabilitation principles. It is designed to restore and stabilise the functional locomotion patterns that are established during the first year of our life.

My reward in my profession is playing an active role in helping patients combat pain, achieve their goals, and ultimately live a full, functional and active lifestyles.